Measure lactose in minutes
Not everyone tolerates lactose in milk. Thankfully, lactose free milk exists. To make sure a product is really lactose free, a time consuming lab measurement was needed with highly qualified personal.
Not anymore, thanks to LactoSens. LactoSens offers a range of lactose assay kits optimized for customer needs. Together with the LactoSens®R Reader you will be able to conduct precise lactose analysis in 3 minutes.
The LacotSens®R Reader is based on the EmStat Go, a PalmSens market-ready solution. The EmStat Go is a battery powered handheld potentiostat, which supports 15+ electrochemical techniques right out of the box. Thanks to its customizable sensor extension module, the EmStat Go is great for SPE applications. The logo and colors can be matched to your company profile for optimal brand recognition.
LactoSens offers a range of lactose assay kits bundled together with the LactoSens®R Reader, a device based on the EmStat Go.
Excellent results
LactoSens showed excellent results in the latest proficiency test by MUVA Kempten GmbH. In 2022, 14 independent LactoSens users have participated in the largest European proficiency test for residual lactose analysis in lactose free milk organized by MUVA Kempten GmbH. The confidence in LactoSens was again strengthened by excellent results compared to the gold standard method ion-chromatography.
CEO explains
Christoph Sygmund, CEO of DirectSens, creator of LactoSens:
“Using a customized PalmSens device that is proven and reliable, reduced our time-to-market tremendously. ”
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