
Multichannel, polypotentiostat or multiplexer
This will help you to choose the ideal multi-channel instrument for your application.

Unboxing the multichannel potentiostat MultiEmstat4 & running a first measurement
The EmStat4X is a portable single-channel potentiostat with Bluetooth and a battery. The EmStat4X supports all popular techniques, goes up to 200 mA and the number of channels is ...

Full Patch Notes for EmStat4 Firmware Update 1.3
Version 1.3.07 Added support for ES4_MUX8R2 Version 1.3.06 Fixed MUX8-R2 not works with up to 16 multiplexers instead of 14. Increased maximum “pck_add” variable...

Firmware recovery
This article guides you on how to recover your PalmSens3 firmware if it does not connect properly anymore using a USB cable or Bluetooth.
MethodSCRIPT in action: introduction, demonstration and Q&A session
As an OEM supplier, PalmSens is aware of how important your own software is. We support our customers with several Software Development Kits (SDK), which make writing your own sof...
Multi-channel potentiostat
Do you want to perform several electrochemical measurements simultaneously? Then you need a multi-channel potentiostat. A multichannel potentiostat allows you to perform multiple experiments at the same time.
Multi-Channel: Multiple Working Electrodes in the Same Cell
Learn how to use a multi-channel potentiostat as a polypotentiostat, so you can use multiple working electrodes in the same cell sharing one reference and counter electrode.
Troubleshooting on potentiostat experiments
Here are some general comments on trouble shooting that are valid for any experiment. We made this list to enable even not very experienced users to find the sources of trouble as soon as possible to keep the frustration level for you and coworkers as low as possible.
Potentiostatic and Galvanostatic EIS
What is GEIS? When to use GEIS or PEIS?
Galvanic Isolation
In this application note the galvanic isolation options are discussed for the different PalmSens instruments as well as the effect of galvanic isolation on your measurement.