
USB powered potentiostat with integrated multiplexer

  • potentiostat with integrated 8 channel multiplexer
  • potential range: ± 3V or ± 4V
  • compliance voltage: ± 5V or ± 8V
  • current ranges:  1 nA – 100 mA
  • maximum current: ± 100 mA
PalmSens usually responds to your quotation request within one business day.


With the EmStat3MUX8-R2 you can connect arrays or other setups made of up to eight working electrodes in two or three electrode cell types. If more channels are required, one or more MUX-R2 can be stacked to the EmStatMUX8-R2 for a total of up to 128 channels.

The potentiostat is controlled as well as powered by USB and is used with PSTrace. The MUX8-R2 can sample different cells at a rate of 25 ms/cell. Usually a method needs to be finished to switch the cell but the fast sampling per cell makes it possible to measure time depending techniques, e.g. chronoamperometry, practically simultaneously. Via the script window of PSTrace it is also possible to perform a different experiment on each of the channels sequentially.

To make it easier for you to decide, if  a multiplexer or a multichannel device is more suitable for your application, we have created a short explanation of multiplexers, multichannels and polypotentiostats.


Voltammetric techniques

  • Linear Sweep Voltammetry (LSV)
  • Cyclic Voltammetry (CV)

Pulsed techniques

  • Differential Pulse Voltammetry (DPV)
  • Square Wave Voltammetry (SWV)
  • Normal Pulse Voltammetry (NPV)

Galvanostatic techniques

  • Open Circuit Potentiometry (OCP)

Amperometric techniques

  • Chronoamperometry (CA)
  • Zero Resistance Amperometry (ZRA)
  • Chronocoulometry (CC)
  • MultiStep Amperometry (MA)
  • Pulsed Amperometric Detection (PAD)
  • Multiple-Pulse Amperometric Detection (MPAD)
Missing a technique? See cross-reference list


With EmStat potentiostat version
  3 3+
dc-potential range
The maximum potential difference, that can be applied between WE and RE.
± 3.000 V ± 4.000 V
compliance voltage
The compliance voltage is the maximum voltage that can be applied between the working and counter electrode. Another name could be the maximum cell potential. Continue reading
± 5 V ± 8 V
dc-potential resolution 0.1 mV 0.125 mV
dc-potential accuracy 0.2 % 0.3 %
current ranges
A potentiostat measures current. For optimal precision, the range between which currents are measured is split into multiple current ranges. A current range defines the maximum current a potentiostat can measure in a certain range. This means it will also determine the resolution, because the number of bits or rather states is fixed, while the current range is variable.
1 nA to 10 mA (8 ranges) 1 nA to 100 mA (9 ranges)
maximum current ± 20 mA typical
and ± 15 mA minimum
± 100 mA typical

The current is measured using a zero resistance ammeter (ZRA).

Potentiostat (controlled potential mode)
current accuracy
The current accuracy describes how close to the real values your measured current is.
≤ 1 %of current range at 1 nA
≤ 0.5 % at 10 nA
≤ 0.2 % at 100 nA to 100 uA
≤ 0.5 % at 1 mA, 10 mA and 100 mA
all with max. 0.2 % offset error
measured current resolution
The lowest observable difference between two values that a measurement device can differentiate between.
0.1 % of current range
electrometer amplifier input
The amplifier input resistance of the amplifier in the electrometer determines the load that the amplifier places on the source of the signal being fed into it. Ideally the resistance is infinite, and the load to be zero to not to influence your measurement.
> 100 GΩ // 4 pF
rise time approx. 100 us
Integrated MUX8-R2 Multiplexer
number of channels  8 (up to 128 when daisy chained)
multiplexer switches 8 x (WE, S, RE and CE)
on resistance for WE 1.5 ohm typical
charge injection on WE 20 pC typical
leakage current < 20 pA (5 pA typical) at 25 ºC
switching time 2 ms
compliance voltage
The compliance voltage is the maximum voltage that can be applied between the working and counter electrode. Another name could be the maximum cell potential. Continue reading
± 10 V
housing aluminium: 138 mm x 121 mm x 37 mm
weight  +/- 500 g
temperature range 0 ºC to + 50 ºC
power supply USB
communication USB-C
The EmStatMUX8-R2 has the following connections
Connector Function
Input Y-cable connects to both potentiostat sensor connector and (digital) AUX
AUX Can be used to measure auxiliary input like temperature or pH, and to switch external hardware using two digital control lines that can be set in PSTrace
Link Connects to Input of next multiplexer, for daisy-chaining multiple multiplexers.
USB-C For connecting to PC or Android device
Channel 1-4 Connects to sensor cables 1-4
Channel 5-8 Connects to sensor cables 5-8

Cell connections

There are four ways to connect your sensor. These sensor connections are quoted separately. 

  • Option A: Double shielded sensor cables with 2 mm banana connectors. The 2 mm banana connectors are compatible with standard croc clips (they will be included in the quotation as optional).
  • Option B: High-density cable that terminates in ferrules
  • Option C: Connection (Screw) Terminal  to assemble your own wires.
  • Option D: Screen Printed Electrode Connector

Each of these connection options can be used to connect 4 channels. When you add the EmStatMUX8 in the quotation basket we will make sure to include two units of the selected connection option so you can connect all 8 channels to the electrochemical cells. 



PSTrace for Windows provides support for all techniques and device functionalities. With a smooth simple interface, showing only the applicable controls, PSTrace is suitable for all levels of user experience. Functions include:

  • Direct validation of method parameters
  • Equivalent Circuit Fitting
  • Automated peak search
  • Scripting for running an automated sequence of measurements
  • Open data in Origin and Excel with one click of a button
  • Browse measurements on PalmSens4’s internal storage
More information about PSTrace
PSTrace Method Editor


PStouch works with all our single channel and multiplexed instruments. PStouch functions include:

  • Setting up and running measurements
  • Analysing and manipulating peaks
  • Sharing data directly via e-mail, Dropbox, or any other file sharing service
  • All files compatible with PSTrace


Get it on Google Play

More information about PStouch

Software Development Kits

The PalmSens Software Development Kits (SDKs) for .NET can be used with any of our instruments or OEM potentiostat modules to develop your own software. The SDK’s come with a set of examples that shows how to use the libraries.

PalmSens SDKs with examples are available for the following .NET Frameworks:

  • WinForms
  • WPF
  • Xamarin (for Android)
More information about SDKs for .NET


Application Note (3)

Name Last updated
Multichannel, polypotentiostat or multiplexer This will help you to choose the ideal multi-channel instrument for your application. 22-01-25
MUX8-R2 Connector Card This connector card gives you an overview of the MUX8-R2 connector pin-outs. 14-03-22
OCP with MUX8-R2 The multiplexer MUX8-R2 offers the possibility to record reliable Open Circuit Potential (OCP) measurements in the Alternating mode, which allows to monitor the OCP of multiple samples / working electrodes over time with a single potentiostat. This is a significant improvement compared to its predecessors MUX8 and MUX16. In this application note it is demonstrated how to setup and perform an OCP measurement with the MUX8-R2 in the Alternating mode. 04-05-21

Software (1)

Name Last updated
PSTrace PC software for all single channel instruments PSTrace software is shipped as standard with all single channel and multiplexed instruments. The software provides support for all techniques and device functionalities. 08-07-24

Documentation (2)

Name Last updated
MUX8-R2 2xSPE breakout drawing Use this drawing if you would like to make an 8-electrode sensor that fits directly into the MUX8-R2 slots of a MUX8-R2 SPE connector. 17-04-24
EmStatMUX8-R2 Brochure Brochure of the EmStatMUX8-R2 instrument 16-11-20
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