Sensit BT


Firmware recovery

This article guides you on how to recover your PalmSens3 firmware if it does not connect properly anymore using a USB cable or Bluetooth.


MethodSCRIPT: Tips & Tricks

These Tips & Tricks will guide you to create your first MethodSCRIPT, debug the script, solve any errors and visualize the results. At the end, you will find example scripts. A...


Unboxing the Sensit BT

The Sensit BT is a wireless battery powered potentiostat. Join us while we have a look inside the box of the Sensit BT. Right after unboxing a Cyclic Voltammetry will be performed...


PStouch tutorials

With PStouch you can connect your Android smartphone or tablet via USB or wirelessly to your instrument.  The following tutorials explain how to connect to your instrument, how to...

Troubleshooting on potentiostat experiments

Here are some general comments on trouble shooting that are valid for any experiment. We made this list to enable even not very experienced users to find the sources of trouble as soon as possible to keep the frustration level for you and coworkers as low as possible.


Connect SensitBT using wireless communication

This application note describes various ways to connect the portable SensitBT using wireless communication. To connect using Android you can use PSTouch, in Windows you can use PSTrace or MethodSCRIPT. In iOS you can use MethodSCRIPT.