BASi Standard Electrochemical Cell

Plug-n-play electrochemical cell kit

  • For 2 or 3 electrode measurements
  • Dedicated O-ring to adjust heights of electrodes
  • Includes 100 mL glass cell
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MF-1051 model is a fully equipped plug-n-play electrochemical cell kit that is designed to conduct 2 or 3 electrode measurements with any PalmSens potentiostat / galvanostat. A built-in auxiliary compartment is provided to separate any reactions at counter electrode. Working electrode can be a standard disc type or ITO/FTO type. The glass cell comfortably holds a volume of around 100 mL and will allow you to test 25-75 mL of solution. It also comes with Teflon tubing for purging or blanketing your solution. Dedicated O-rings help to adjust the height of the electrodes in the vessel.

Includes: (1 each)

  • ER-9132 Teflon coated stir bar
  • MF-2052 RE-5B Ag/AgCl electrode
  • MW-1033 Coiled Pt wire aux. electrode
  • MR-1195 100mL glass cell
  • MR-1199 BE teflon cell top
  • MR-1196 Auxiliary electrode chamber
  • MR-1198 Auxiliary electrode bushing
  • MF-2012 Glassy carbon working electrode – 3 mm diameter
  • MF-1035 Teflon tubing 1/16″ OD
  • MR-1236 O-ring for BE cell aux chamber

Recommended Optional Items

Ref. BASI-MF-1051


Name Type Last updated
BASI MF-1051: Standard Electrochemical Cell (100 ml) Documentation 08-05-23
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