ItalSens Metal Disc Ultramicroelectrodes

Low-cost ultramicroelectrodes

  • Gold or Platinum
  • 10 µm or 25 µm
  • Glass body
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A metallic ultramicroelectrode in a glass coating

Ultramicroelectrodes usually show a high current density due to their diffusion profile, which leads to an increased mass transport to the electrode’s surface. Furthermore, they reach steady state conditions in short time periods compared to macroelectrodes.

Each ultramicroelectrode is supplied with a silicone O-ring, ensuring a secure fit on a plastic component at the top of the electrode body. The adjustable O-ring allows users to customize the electrode depth within an electrochemical cell by rolling it to different positions. The electrode is equipped with a brass rod contact for convenient connection, facilitating easy attachment using a standard crocodile clip.

ItalSens provides the following material and disc diameter options:

  • Au, 10 µm, 1 unit (ref. IS-10UM.AU.WE.1)
  • Au, 10 µm, 3-pack (ref. IS-10UM.AU.WE.3)
  • Au, 25 µm, 1 unit (ref. IS-25UM.AU.WE.1)
  • Au, 25 µm, 3-pack (ref. IS-25UM.AU.WE.3)
  • Pt, 10 µm, 1 unit (ref. IS-10UM.PT.WE.1)
  • Pt, 10 µm, 3-pack (ref. IS-10UM.PT.WE.3)
  • Pt, 25 µm, 1 unit (ref. IS-25UM.PT.WE.1)
  • Pt, 25 µm, 3-pack (ref. IS-25UM.PT.WE.3)


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