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Electrochemical techniques
Supports up to 18 electrochemical techniques including:
- LSV – Linear Sweep Voltammetry
- CV – Cyclic Voltammetry
- SWV – Square Wave Voltammetry
- DPV – Differential Pulse Voltammetry
- (G)EIS – (Galvanostatic) Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy
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The Nexus works with the MethodSCRIPT communication protocol. MethodSCRIPT gives the user full control over all functionality the Nexus has to offer and requires virtually no programming skills.
MethodSCRIPT features include:
- Loops, nested loops and conditional logic support
- Combining techniques
- Creating transients
- Configuring measurement triggers
- Math operations on variables (add, sub, mul, div)
- Logging results to internal storage
- and many more…
Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy
Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) is an electrochemical technique to measure the impedance of a system in dependence of the AC potential frequency. With the Nexus, you can measure impedance simultaneously at the Working and the Second Sense electrode. This allows for measuring a battery at the anode and cathode at the same time.
Frequently Asked Questions
How many channels are supported?
One channel per instrument. But you can stack instruments to create a virtual multi-channel instrument. Using the link (synchronization) ports at the back you can even achieve a hardware-synchronized multi-channel setup.
When is the instrument launched?
Q4 2024
Where can I order the instrument?
You can subscribe to the Nexus newsletter, to be informed when the Nexus will be available.
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