PSTrace Tutorial #20 – How to perform Stripping Techniques with a potentiostat?
If you need to measure more then one channel sequentially, a multiplexer is what you need. In this tutorial you will learn what stripping techniques are, and how to perform them with a potentiostat and PSTrace. PSTrace is a software package that controls PalmSens potentiostats.
Chapters in the video
- 0:00 Introduction
- 0:22 What is stripping voltammetry?
- 2:16 Measurement setup
- 2:43 How to perform stripping voltammetry with PSTrace?
- 4:52 How to control the stirrer using PSTrace?
- 6:05 Demo measurement with stripping voltammetry and a stirrer
- 6:34 Please subscribe to our YouTube and LinkedIn channel