Micrux Thin-film Single-electrode

Thin-film electrode with high resolution and precision

  • Basic three-electrode approach
  • Ideal for electroanalysis, flow systems, nanotechnology, or biosensor development
  • Fabricated with high-precision and resolution
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This thin-film sensor has a single working electrode with 1 mm diameter.

The Micrux Thin-Film electrodes are reusable and need only 1 to 5 µL measuring solution to be operated. The single electrode sensors are available as platinum or gold electrode. The WE material is sputtered on a 50 nm thick layer of titanium and has a thickness of 150 nm, which is sufficient to show bulk behavior.

Please note that one of the Micrux cells is necessary to connect the electrode. More Information is available at the specifications tab or here.


  • Gold WE with gold CE and RE (Ref. MX-ED-SE1-AU)
  • Gold WE with platinum CE and RE (Ref. MX-ED-SE1-AUPT)
  • Platinum WE with platinum CE and RE (Ref. MX-ED-SE1-PT)

Required adapter

A specific adapter is needed to connect this electrode

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