MultiTrace Tutorial #5: Multiple Working Electrodes in the Same Cell
Measuring multiple working electrodes in the same cell is possible. This tutorial video will show you how to connect the electrodes and how to use MultiTrace. MultiTrace allows you to control multiple PalmSens potentiostats / galvanostats / impedance analyzers. This can be a multichannel device such as the MultiPalmSens4, or multiple single channel devices. This can be a multichannel device such as the MultiPalmSens4, or multiple single channel devices.
Chapters in the video
- 0:00 Introduction
- 0:17 Cell setup
- 0:47 Two possible setups: with an without galvanic isolation
- 0:58 What is galvanic isolation?
- 1:33 How do you use multiple working electrodes in the same cell with galvanic isolation?
- 3:00 How do you use multiple working electrodes in the same cell without galvanic isolation?
- 4:52 Very precise timing with hardware synchronization
- 6:00 More information in the application note